10:40 pm Monday 22nd November 1999
Hmmm… not too bad a day today, not fantastic, but not horrible.
Woke up and in the lab by 10:30 am. Put on another reaction to make ADAM, but doubled the size. Puttered around with other stuff and ran the NMR around midday. I was disappointed by contamination and almost non-existent yield. I think I tried to run whilst still learning to walk… lesson learnt.
Did a few more reactions through out the day, about 3:30 pm I went and did a big rigmarole trying to pick up my new credit card. Finally got it, and I was getting a few funny looks from the people in the bank queue. In addition, my new Medicare card had arrived that morning also. Somehow they had decided to give me a middle initial of "Steph S Hurst". Where that came from I don't know. Maybe they don't like people with no middle names? "Fear me, for I have no middle initial!"
Went back and worked in the lab until about 7:00 pm and then came home because I was feeling really tired. I had some dinner (cheese sandwiches and cereal) and when I went to clean my stuff, found that the kitchenette was closed because people had been stealing the appliances. That was a real bugger, because it means a no hot food or water.
Crashed out until about 10:00 pm when I got up and had a shower and now here I am.
Mum has organized to come over on Sunday, so I may ask her to bring over the old microwave which my brother brought home (if it still works). It will be good to see her. I think the last time she was here was at the start of October when Sarah and Soba were here as well i.e. when I first started my estrogen therapy. Might be interesting to see if she notices any changes.
Oh my God again! It's that time of the year. Chances are that in a month I'll be arriving home for Xmas. Three weeks from now my supervisor will be knocking on the door of the lab… uhhhhhh… *groan* I know I was saying the same thing last year, because I just checked my diary entry for then.
Oh… I'm so disappointed… my new credit card has just "Mr. S Hurst" on it. What's the fun of changing your name to something feminine if you don't get to see the look on peoples faces. *pout* ;) Now I just have to challenge the ANU bureaucracy.
I think today at work I may have started to "challenge" people, I'm not sure. I was just wearing my new loose blue jumper, but the way it looks and hangs is enough to probably disturb the eye. No one actually said anything, but well you know how peoples body language changes…
I'm still not entirely sure about moving in with Nikki at the moment, I know it would be a good saving in rent and nice to have company, but I'm wondering if our lifestyles might tend to clash. I hate other people's mess and that might cause a bit of friction, along with my tendency to be an absolute music Nazi, I think it's something which will need to be look at closely. It seems there are quite a number of places under $150 not too far from the Uni, the market seems to be opening up slightly compared to when I first started looking in September/October.
Just chatting on ICQ to Szusza, it 12:30 am so I might pack it in soon. Red should hopefully get back late tomorrow, she'll be happy that Australia won the cricket.