8:00 pm Monday 6th December 1999

Ah… well, whilst I wait for my rice to cook and while I let my brain be bathed in microwaves I may as well begin this diary entry. I have to head back over to the lab at 9:00 pm anyway, so I can have dinner and then jog over.
Today was fairly normal, in at 10:30 am and then out at 4:30 pm when the heat got too much. Nothing too extraordinary happened, I got one new compound #23 and I will make the last one #24 tomorrow. Did the UV-Vis spectra and tossed in some mass specs. I should have most of the data ready by Monday.
The rice is boiling over, stuff it…
What else? Oh yeah did shopping this evening, goddamn that was heavy, and my fridge again is chockers, I think it's still working.

Later - Oh crap, now where am I going to put all this excess food? Hmmm… the lab has a big empty fridge… Hmmm…

9:00 pm - Okkie, dinner and washing up done, looks like I'll be eating cold rice and veggie's for lunch at work for the next few days.

9:45 pm - I'm just waiting for the "Rage against the Machine" set on the radio to finish before I head over to the lab. I think I'll skip doing the IR experiments which I had lined up.

10:50 pm - Hurrah! Jogged back all the way from the lab without having to stop. :) Now I'm putting it back on by eating an apple lattice. *s* I really, really would like to know what makes a girl think the way she does. I want to know, what percentage is chemical/hormonal/brain wiring and what percentage is learnt/cultural. That's not too much of a simple question to expect an answer to is it?
Ahhh… Sasha and Digweed are so smooth…
Bugger, forgot to compound #24 on to cook… oh well, that's for tomorrow then. I also have two ADAM synthesis reactions which I stuck in the fridge cause I didn't want to have to deal with them. Now I'm chatting to Szusza on ICQ. I'm a bit worried about the fridge might not be working, but seeing that the enormous glacier in the freezer tray hasn't melted yet, I think I'm Ok.

11:50 pm - Ahhh… showers are nice. Ok, humorous interlude time, I was reading some descriptions of SRS earlier, but wasn't really sure what they were describing. So I was standing in the shower relaxing and I looked down and said out loud, "Oh, that's what they meant!" *lol*

12:30 am - I just ordered a book online from Amazon, containing collected accounts from members of families who had transgendered loved ones. I guess I'm feeling a bit guilty about not giving Mum enough information about the whole thing. Ignorance is bad and I need to shed light on the (to most people) murky world of being TS. Hopefully it should get here before Xmas.
Ok, I'm crashing now…