Later - Oh crap, now where am I going to put all this excess food? Hmmm… the lab has a big empty fridge… Hmmm…
9:00 pm - Okkie, dinner and washing up done, looks like I'll be eating cold rice and veggie's for lunch at work for the next few days.
9:45 pm - I'm just waiting for the "Rage against the Machine" set on the radio to finish before I head over to the lab. I think I'll skip doing the IR experiments which I had lined up.
10:50 pm - Hurrah! Jogged back all the way from the lab without having to stop. :) Now I'm putting it back on by eating an apple lattice. *s* I really, really would like to know what makes a girl think the way she does. I want to know, what percentage is chemical/hormonal/brain wiring and what percentage is learnt/cultural. That's not too much of a simple question to expect an answer to is it?
Ahhh… Sasha and Digweed are so smooth…
Bugger, forgot to compound #24 on to cook… oh well, that's for tomorrow then. I also have two ADAM synthesis reactions which I stuck in the fridge cause I didn't want to have to deal with them. Now I'm chatting to Szusza on ICQ. I'm a bit worried about the fridge might not be working, but seeing that the enormous glacier in the freezer tray hasn't melted yet, I think I'm Ok.
11:50 pm - Ahhh… showers are nice. Ok, humorous interlude time, I was reading some descriptions of SRS earlier, but wasn't really sure what they were describing. So I was standing in the shower relaxing and I looked down and said out loud, "Oh, that's what they meant!" *lol*
12:30 am - I just ordered a book online from Amazon, containing collected accounts from members of families who had transgendered loved ones. I guess I'm feeling a bit guilty about not giving Mum enough information about the whole thing. Ignorance is bad and I need to shed light on the (to most people) murky world of being TS. Hopefully it should get here before Xmas.
Ok, I'm crashing now…