10:15 pm Wednesday 15th December 1999
Hmmm… 10 days till the big old Xmas eh. Looks like at the moment that I'll be going home on the Tuesday (21st) which is only really about 5 days away. Looks like I'll be doing some frenzied Xmas shopping on the weekend which is swiftly approaching.
Today was pretty bland, I got woken up by the garbage truck and decided to snooze until 11:00 am. I got into the lab and spent a few hours fighting for each piece of characterization data. It was sucky and although I got some of the simpler compounds done easily enough, the more complex ones presented me with questions as to what peak was due to what particular atom.
My supervisor asked me to check my conference registration details which had my name tag as just Steph, and since the email system had died, I had to fax the changes to the conference people. I hope that will be fine. *fingers crossed*
Apart from that nothing much else happened. There was some rain and thunder which was nice and which got the temperature down.
Tonight I got an email from Red which was cool, she is in Malta having an up and down kind of time but enjoying herself.
Chatting to Soba on ICQ, then probably off for a jog. Quick chat to Peta also.
11:45 pm - Ahhh… endorphins are good…. Now to rid myself of sweat and grime with fresh towels.
12:05 am - Just got an email from Illara which was cool. I'll have to mention that next time I talk with Michelle. Nothing much else to say or do, I may crash out far ahead of my usual 1:00 am nap time. Oh and Mum called tonight, saying a package from Amazon had arrived, which was great! I asked her to forward it on. I want to read it to make sure it was suitable and then give it to her as part of her Xmas present. It looks like that at the moment I will be going home on the Tuesday and that she will come over and pick me up.
Ok, sleep time…