11:20 pm Tuesday 21st December 1999

Ok, with the exception of Sarah who I will find one for tomorrow, I've got my Xmas cards done, hurrah! Only about 10, so that was cool.
Today was up and down in terms of busyness. Lots of noise from the construction site. Got into work 10:30 am and me, my supervisor and N***** were going through the samples which had been put on yesterday. Of the 18 samples, 6 were possible and after looking at them more carefully, 2 were possibly viable.
I made up some of the other samples for microanalysis (6 in total) ran an UV experiment and booked 13C NMR time for tonight.
I had lunch with Szusza between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm and that was nice. We just shot the breeze about this and that, nothing too earth shattering, just nice to see her again before I head home for a well deserved break.
Left work at about 5:45 pm, came home ate, went to bed. Woke up, ate again and chatted to Soba on ICQ. Jogged over to the lab, put on the 13C NMR, then came home, showered and ate (there's a pattern there *g*). I also wrote out the Xmas cards, but the internet is down here at the moment, and so I can't get half the addresses I need. I will try and get them all off tomorrow.
44 Roaccutane tablets left, so that leaves me on target for 5th January. For some reason, my face is peeling quite badly despite constant application of moisturizer. It may be due to the excess sun on the weekend. A razor will help to scrape off the hair and loose flesh before I head home.
Mum called this evening to see what the story was, and I told her Wednesday not very likely, probably Thursday. Hopefully this will not move any further back, since I do want and need the rest.
I also set up three more recrystallizations today using a different solvent mixture, so maybe I will get some very last minute results. I think that just before I went home for Xmas in 1997 I got my first successful microanalysis back [protected RuCp(PPh3) thing]. So I don't expect to get these results back before I leave, but one never knows.
I just remembered, that I'm not likely to have any internet access while I am at home, because the library and most probably the computer show ill be closed until after New Years, so I'm going to be totally helpless and out of contact! WAHHHH!!!!
Ok, I'm actually rather pooped despite the fact that I had a snooze earlier, it's probably because of the jog. As tomorrow is pay-day, I'm tempted to go to Weetangera and get my hair done, it's not too bad at the moment, but I'd like it to look nice for when I go home. I'll see what happens, haven't washed it in ages…
Ok, to the bed… :)