5:20 am - Saturday 1st January 2000
Wow, like so we're into the whole 2000 thing finally it seems. Another New Year Eve finished, the sun is coming up and the first day begins again.
I'm not really sure where to start, a quick run down of the day/night would be a good place to start to jog my memory I guess. Ok, shopping and lazing around till 4:00 pm, Susan called organized to meet in Civic at 5:30 pm and then shop and then drive to Lloyd's. We did so, and a good time was spent at Lloyd's, about 8 of us or so. At about 10:30 pm, I did two car-loads of people to Belconnen bus interchange and the me and S & J to the Uni car-park near the edge of the ANU. We walked to Commonwealth Park and waited for the others. Went to a very good spot and waited it out, about 15 minutes or so. Poppers were popped, photos were done, fire-works were watched, and very nice Champagne was consumed. It was however damn cold. After that, left Lloyd, Danni and Andrew at ICBM, S & J caught a bus and me, Anthony and his partner to the Meridian.
Met Szusza, Misty, Monique, Elly, Gloria and so on and chatted/ sat around/danced and so on until about 3:30 pm when the others headed off. Walked home not long after and got home about 4:15 am.
Listened to music, wrote emails and watched "Ode to Joy" on TV and may yet watch the sun come up.
Ok, there are the very bare details, now various finer points.
Ok, got my first kiss of the Millenium, but he had stubble so ouch. I could have had a nice time later, but decided not to for different reasons.
Next, Lloyd seems very different these days, and I don't know whether I think it's a change for the better. Maybe I'm just paranoid? I guess everybody deserves a show of affection except for the freak… I wonder if I should have ever, or if he ever did consider ourselves friends? I don't like to think that, but what details have I to the contrary?
I was definitely trying to get my share of hugs tonight, I guess I'm just totally Oxytocin deprived (Oxytocin is the hormone produced when humans touch). I have been missing everybody a lot, and so I feel it was justified, but hey why the hell should I have to justify it anyway?
I am covered in a fair amount of glitter, especially around the eyes, that's gonna suck trying to take it off. My kidneys are going to have a heck of a time, I can't even begin to contemplate how much caffeine, guarana and other junk I drank in those energy drinks by whoa…
Hmmm… that's about the main of it for the moment, I think a shower may be in order…
6:30 am - Ok, the sun is up, now to try and sleep…