12:30 am - Tuesday 11th January 2000

Another quite boring day at work which ended with me leaving at about 4:45 pm to go and pick up some more Androcur in town. I did some shopping and after picking up my stuff at the pharmacy I ran into Bridget, Heather and Megan! They had all bumped into one another and we had a good old chat. I wasn't expecting to see Bridget so soon, but it was nice anyway. They had to go and so I walked and chatted with Megan to the Bus-stop and since the bus to the ANU was a long way off, we walked back together to Uni.
It was nice to talk to her, I had known her in a passing sense through Susan and Jules from last year and she is a very nice person. She has some bad acne on her face, but I didn't feel forward enough to mention Roaccutane. Maybe in the future I will get a chance to see her again I hope.
So I came home, had a hour snooze and then made dinner and I took it into the kitchen to cool it in the big fridge when I got talking to an international student from China named (I think) Steven. So I chatted to him for a fair while which was nice, and was good in the sense that I should start to get to know the people who live down here with me. I also had a chat with Soba who is uncertain how the interview went and will let me know what the story is with going over to Adelaide (soon I hope).
After that I went for a jog and got back and after a shower watched some more Sailor Moon and here I am!

1:10 m - Ok then, to bed and to dream…