11:50 pm - Tuesday 1st February 2000

Blah… jogging makes one sore and smelly, so why do I do it???
Well, "thrombolic episodes" or rather the avoidance of such events is why. Oral estrogens cause the liver to churn out clotting factors into the blood stream. In certain circumstances these can lead to a blood clot forming. If this clot were to lodge in the brain or lung (the above episode), there could be life threatening consequences. This may sound drastic, but the actual probability is quite low but nonetheless heightened by oral estrogens. There are greater problems pertaining to older, smoking or unfit persons. Hence the jogging regime, plus to stay fit (sort of).
Injections and implants bypass the liver to a greater extent and therefore eliminate the worst potential side-effect. My liver was also effected by the Roaccutane (heightened tri-glyceride levels) which is why I had to get a liver test before I started, and considering the success Peta G has had with her implant, I am keen to save my health. The prices even out if the implant last six months or more, but my health is worth more than a few bucks which is something that always makes me wonder why people go for "cheap" doctors for their GRS… oh well so be it…
Blah… hot... and it's going to get hotter. I want to finish my poster, try this new reaction scheme and do other jobs, but motivation is minimal as usual. My supervisor is supportive despite the enormous effort his is expending on preparing for the conference. Last night I didn't get to sleep until about 5:00 am, so that was not fun.
Oh yeah, Red called today and we met up at the Canberra Center. It was hugs and happiness all round. We did some poking about, lots of talking and then I had to head back to the lab. Dinner is planned for Thursday 7:30 pm with some friends, it should be nice. Wow, very tired, hope I can sleep…