9:35 pm - Sunday 6th February 2000

Blah… boy this conference is shaping up to be just like the others…i.e. mostly irrelevant. I got my poster all ready to be laminated this morning and carried it into town only to find out that the place was shut. This was a bummer, so I bought some groceries and came home. The chemistry people were starting to arrive, so I did my laundry and just bummed around till about 3:00 pm when I went over and picked up my registration stuff. I helped shift boxes and then came home.
I chatted with Peta G on ICQ and then headed over to the opening session of the conference. It was a major bore, and although I went to the mixer afterwards, there weren't too many people that I knew (that I could see or find) so I grabbed some free food and drink and high-tailed it out of there and came home. I don't really feel very comfortable in those sort of situations where the ratio of people I know to the people who are complete strangers is so badly skewed. Not that I panic or get paranoid, I just don't have anyone to talk to most of the time…
Saturday was a write-off for the most part. I had fun, but I didn't do much… in fact, my main piece of work for the day was to watch more than a dozen "Sailor Moon" episodes. *blush* It was heaps of fun, but there wasn't much air-flow in the TV room, so I was sweaty as all hell. The one thing I have noticed is the change in my body odour. When I perspire these days, I get very musky. I think this may be due to the hormones, because I've certainly never noticed this smell before.
So, tomorrow will be more boring lectures, I'll skip a few and get my poster laminated instead. The poster session is Monday evening and so we get to stand around looking silly and knowing there is virtually no-one interested in our posters anyway. At least the ANU people are all together, so I'll have someone to chat with.
Sheesh, sometimes ICQ can be a real hassle… this is the fourth friend I've chatted to tonight and I'm mega-tired…

11:15 pm - To bed without delay…