10:30 pm - Yawn… with the exception of being woken up at 8:45 am by further car-park work, this has been quite a perfect day. I was sitting in my room this afternoon, it was cool but the sun was shining, I had a coke in one hand and a Sailor-Moon Manga comic in the other, crashed out on my bed with a big smile on my face and just saying wow! :)
Tonight I had dinner with Peta B who was up from Bateman's Bay and we went to Essen for smoothies and then had nachos for dinner. We went wandering around Civic for a bit and then crashed out on some of the benches near David Jones's and just talked and talked. It was a nice time being able to share dreams and memories, ups and downs… I saw her off and then came home.
I've got the tris (three-armed) complex stirring tonight, fingers crossed majorly big time for tomorrow when I work it up. I also have to get my group report together for the Monday meeting. Too tired tonight to do anything but get very comfy in my lovely bed… ;)