9:30 pm - Tuesday 15th February 2000

Yay, what a nice two days I've had. :)
Highest on the agenda was the arrival in Canberra for a visit of my friend Michelle! She had been living in Brisbane and is about to start Uni, but came down to see all her old friends before her O-Week started. She left a message on my phone Sunday evening, and then rang me at the lab on Monday and I went into Civic and we met up at Essen for a long chat. The manager of Essen was giving roses to some of the women as it was Valentines Day, and Michelle gave me hers which was so nice of her. I haven't had any kind of Valentines in years, so I was rather mildly chuffed. ^_^ We talked and then went for a walk for about 2 and a half hours total, and then we agreeded to meet up for lunch at the University the next day. So today we met up at about 1:00 pm and I gave Nikki a ring, and we surprised her with Michelle jumping on the phone. So we all had lunch together until about ~2:00 pm and it was good just to see her and know that things were turning out well after a very tricky time after her operation. She had to go, and I was glad to hear that she might be down again in the Easter break.
I really missed "Shelly", she is full of life and always has a great story or two to tell. I still have her photo on my desk.
So, the group meeting went well and was quick, so that was good. Today I had another very good trial reaction work, and this gives me a lot of confidence. Suddenly after struggling for results, it looks as if there is going to be an emormous rush and I'll be run off my feet, but that at least is good.
My parents came over at about 6:30 pm on Monday night. They had picked up Gabby (my brothers girlfriend) and after stopping at their hotel had come by so that we could all go out to dinner together. After searching for a bit, we stopped at "3 Mothers Thai" and it was Ok I guess. It was really windy and cold all day, but thankfully I had my big coat on. They will come by again on Wednesday afternoon, because I want to give Mum these diary entries and the books.
I also went to a seminar on mathematical knot theory which was quite interesting, though I had to leave during question time because the Diet Coke was racing through my system. Hmmm… what else? Red will be coming around tomorrow to get the money for Susan's present, and yesterday I ran into Gidget on my way back from Civic and organized a lift with her for Sunday.
Hmmm… nothing much else to report really, I've certainly not got any shortage of work now that this recation scheme has started to work… oh well, I work hard when things don't work, and I work harder when things do… *g* Oh the irony of it all… ;)

One thing I've never mentioned, is how I keep myself constantly amused and cheery. Every time I go past a mirror, I look at myself, and then poke my tongue out. I guess this is to remind me that "Hey, don't be so serious all the time" sort of thing. I poke out my tongue, then I smile (or grin inanely) and then I go on my way just a little bit happier… :)

12:45 am - Chatting with Peta G on ICQ…