9:50 pm - Wednesday 12th April 2000

Lots happening, that's about the long and short of it…

Ok, I've got my diet coke, I can begin.
On Monday Soba called me at the lab to say that she was back in town. She had been down at her parents caravan on Lake Eucumbene even though originally she had originally planned to go to Sydney. She had gotten the job as a full-time position, and was now house hunting. She had been looking in Queenbeyan but had found it all quite unpleasant. So after a day of doing that, she and I decided to go and have gourmet pizza and wonderful dessert for dinner. Then we just crashed out talking and then went to bed.
The next day I showed the Uni accommodation service and she organized to see a place in Oaks Estate not far from Queenbeyan later that night. After work and a rest, we headed over and scoped the place out. It was Ok I guess and one of the girls living there had been at John's the year before. Soba seemed to like it and it was quite close to her work and since it didn't have too many strings attached, she accepted. Then we came back here and I showed off my black formal gown which she had only seen photos of, and she flashed off her new velvet dress and a necklace she had bought from Guava that day.
Today she spent getting her stuff from the caravan and moving in and tomorrow she will start at her new job at the nursery.

Ok, in other news, my computer is giving me a lot of annoyance and I am thinking of upgrading to Windows 98 in the hope that the bugs will be written over and so my home computer will be more compatible with the PC and Mac's at work. I made my three legged vinylidene on Monday, and I probably would have had my corresponding acetylide except that I put it through a column of silica instead of alumina… Arrggghhh! Oh well, there's another one on for tomorrow morning, hopefully it should go better now that I've had my smack on the wrist for being over confidant. ;)

Socially, I had a wonderful coffee session with Peta on Tuesday, where nothing particularly thrilling came up, but it was just nice to see and chat with her. She is hoping to get her face chiseled as soon as her possible promotion happens.
Today was regular coffee and I was wondering whether I should show. Coffee is sometimes a big gossip exchange for those in the gossip circle which I am not one of. Hence I hadn't been feeling all that comfortable, but it was alright today I guess.

Today there was supposed to be new photos for the research group web-site. Hence I went to the trouble of shaving fully and trying to look nice. I thought I looked Ok, as usual I got some looks, but nothing too much. I really do like it when I look nice, I know I'm stuck in the lab most of the day and I wear a lab coat anyway, but knowing that I look nice makes me feel happy. Not anything spectacular, just jeans and a favourite top usually does it these days. :)