11:30 pm - Monday 17th April 2000

Ok, diary attempt take # 2…

Ok, today was quite boring, no social events, just me running Ultra-Violet (UV) and Infra-Red (IR) experiments all day long. I was quite stuffed by the end of it, but I had to do laundry and all sorts of other menial tasks, so sleep tonight will be very welcome.
This week, I hope to do social events with Red, Susan, Szusza, Nikki, Michelle and Peta. Not all at the same time of course. ;)
At work I am finding myself slightly more isolated. The balance of people has shifted to the other lab, with only me alone in my lab. It means it is quiet, but I tend to miss out slightly on the "social" chit-chat, not that it is a huge problem.
As for the other people in the building, nothing too severe. I guess they're keeping their distance as much as they did before, though one or two in particular love to give me a snide kind of look. For me, my care factor couldn't be lower… I think I will stop here before I start babbling meaninglessly…