7:00 pm - Saturday 29th April 2000

I've got nothing planned with anyone tonight, so it may well be that I actually will get over to the Meridian. (Shock, Horror!)

For those not intimate with Canberra, the Med is Canberra's only true GLBT club. I might go and see who's over there later on around midnight once people start to arrive.
Well, today I got my first zapping. They were running late and so I only got a 20 minute trial done. How was it? Remarkably as if someone was sticking a needle into my face and applying a current… *s* It was Ok, I have another appointment for half-an-hour next Thursday. I guess I'm best off keeping the appointments short until I can work out details of accommodation. I can't actually see any damage at the site, so I'm half wondering if she actually did anything?! I just had a shave, and I can't see any redness or puffiness, I won't worry, the settings were probably relatively low. But anyway, I'm on my way to being fuzz-free finally! ;)

This morning I was in the lab setting up the mother of all glassware ensembles. The thing must be a good meter tall, and with the bench being a meter off the ground and with all the piping and heaters and stirrers and so on, it's quite impressive (a 48 hour Soxhlet extraction for those who might have an idea).

8:15 pm - Good heavens, I'm actually wearing make-up. This must be the first time since the cruise back in mid-March. I'm about to don the big coat and make my way over to the lab, and probably from there to somewhere in town.
I'm still wondering about the Blue Mountains Ball coming up in June. Szusza said there was a possible ticket available, and while I would like to go, I'm not really hanging my hopes on anything after the organizing debacle which took place back in February.

10:40 pm - I went to the Med, no one I knew was there, so I had a quick look in because I didn't want to pay $5 for the cover charge. I went there but spent a fair while at the lab just checking on reactions and so forth.
This is like the Saturday nights of old, nothing much going on. But still, I made a small effort. ;)
Besides, most of the people I really am good friends with aren't really club-type people anyway.