7:30 pm - Monday 1st May 2000

Burp! Pizza sandwiches are good…

Today was long, the arrival back to College of the noisy undergraduates kept me awake for quite a while last night. I had demonstrating in the afternoon, which I was dreading, but which turned out to be much easier than I had expected (thankfully).
I worked on my big reaction which seems to be going all right and C**** the Ph.D. student who took the month long holiday returned today as well.

11:00 pm - I'm still exhausted, and this is after having a nap and a shower. I think I may ask Dr S***** to reduce my Androcur dosage. I was supposed to go get my blood test done, but I forgot to take my pills this morning, and forgot about the blood-test until I got home late anyway.

12:50 am - One day, I want to meet a young trans grrl, who can distinctly say "I am not a geek, I have no interest in Manga, I have never played or liked D&D, and I do not know how to code HTML."
Personally I doubt such a person exists, but it remains to prove the null hypothesis.

Tomorrow, photos for the Research Group web-site therefore shaving. Then coffee with Red probably and then a small soirée with Peta G in the evening. Also get some clothing exchanged, and possibly get blood-test taken.