The main news for today was my electrolysis session. This was the real stuff this time around. My tolerance for pain was apparently quite high and the girl (name is forgotten) said that was good as it reduced the time for each hair. It was mostly boring, just lying there with my legs falling asleep. Although immediately after the session I was quite red, by the time I had gotten home it was mostly gone and so that was good too. :)
Tomorrow, I will manage to escape the group meeting which was planned. Unfortunately I have jumped out of the frying pan into the incinerator. Tomorrow and for perhaps a week or so I have to go over to Laser Physics and run samples. I know the data needs to be collected, but Oh My God… if there was ever a more mind-numbing task designed, then I don't know what it is. Perhaps data-entry clerk or being an electrologist on a long session.
Ok, weirdness Part 1. A number of months back, I read Sherilyn Connelly's description of "Passion" by Peter Gabriel and I went out to listen to and then I bought it. Switch to the present day, and I'm reading the diary of Gillian a friend of Illara's from NYC and find that she did exactly the same thing! Anyone else out there want to confess? ;)
I also met Susan by accident in the supermarket as I was getting something to eat before my session. She was just about to head over to the Treasury and do some proof reading of the Australian budget which is pretty impressive. We chatted and then she went and caught her bus.
I really am dreading tomorrow, but I guess I'm resigned to my fate. There is this woman over there who is phobic about chemicals, which is pretty hard to believe when she works in a chemical lab. The general rule of thumb is that the cleaner the lab, then the less work is actually done. Their lab is very, very clean…
Hmm… fading fast, what else? A nice coffee session with people on Wednesday as usual. Lots of fun and games and silliness on Tuesday with Peta G at Essen, possible dinner with Soba tomorrow, and hopefully shoe shopping at this place in Kingston (which I've been meaning to get to for a while) also.
Ok, to bed…