10:10 am - Sunday 28th May 2000
A weird dream last night. Well, they're always weird, it's just that some seem to make more "sense " than others. I was at my high school reunion, and everyone I talked to was giving me big double takes. I wasn't dressed up or anything, I think they were reacting to the changes in my facial features. I chatted to a fair number of people, and I thoughts things were going fine, but then they grabbed me and demanded to know what was going on…
Then I woke up. It wasn't enormously disturbing, but I know I had a dream like that at the start of estrogen therapy (11th October - Rant # 138).
Anyway, it seems that most of Canberra was out on the streets last night, drowning their sorrows after a last minute loss (20-19) in the Rugby. I was just happy that it was nice and quiet. As I've said before, most of the people I know well, aren't the "lets go out and party and booze up" types, which I guess is good and bad, but hey I like them anyway.
Today, people are heading over to Kingston markets to look for a present for out supervisor. I figured I might head over because there is also a big clothes sale over on that side of town, and I'm not enormously excited about spending today in the lab.