12:50 am - Tuesday 6th June 2000

Ok, this is just a perfunctory diary entry to keep myself from falling completely out of the swing of things.
For the last couple of days, I've been doing an almost complete upgrade to my page. I worked on reorganizing the diary entries from the "I'll just dump them here" method into a month based archive. For some computer wizard, that probably should have only taken an hour, but I took about 4 or 5. Still, the finished result looked pretty good to me. Generally as a rule I abhor 1) Applets, 2) Java script, 3) Music Plug-In's (I utterly hate these) and 4) Frames (I don't really hate them, I've just seen them done so badly at times). Hence my pages are relatively unexciting but they should load fast.
Sunday I spent redoing the front page in it's entirety, and it got uploaded that night. I've been going to bed at about 2:00 am the last couple of nights, and it's 1:00 am already tonight. Anyway, I have now got a much more streamlined page out of the bargain. The old page was getting quite bloated with junk which no-one cared much about (myself included) and after way too long, I got inspired (finally) after a chat session, and hacked away with the pruning knife. Saturday was Ok, got my wax and tint and chatted to Penny who's really pretty and who I see every few months for my beauty "repairs".
Sunday I did very little, I went down to Sharon's place to pay for the Ball ticket, and stopped off briefly at Susan and Jules's place on the drive back up.
Today (Monday) I officially told John's I'd be moving out on the 6th July, hopefully giving me enough overlap with Toad (move in 30th June) to shift or send home all my crap. Work was uninteresting, and the honors students was getting on my nerves with her inane chattering, which although once was endearing, is becoming increasingly annoying.
Currently I'm updated my links page to bring it in line with the rest of the site. I was good, and did go to the gym, and even jogged to and from Johns. I don't really want to guess my weight, but with exercise, I doubt that it's going down.

1:45 am - Links page is up and running and (I think) mostly accurate. Put it this way, you're unlikely to be directed to any porn site's, so don't try and use that lame old excuse… ;)