7:15 pm - Monday 10th July 2000

First day back at work, took a fair number of breaks to do all the little jobs which had accumulated, things like get photos, buy Ethernet cord, book train ticket and so on.
I spent some time photocopying and reading the relevant section of Gender Identity Disorder from DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 4th Edition) and I certainly am not happy to have to prove that I have a mental illness, but I gave up my voice when I agreed to be a "sexual deviant" and get cheap Androcur.
I suppose I am slightly apprehensive about Wednesday's appointment, I guess I just need to be relaxed and be myself. I'm sure that it won't be the old "Tell me about your mother" though that may come into it, I'm mostly hoping that seeing that I am making a good transition Dr R. will check mainly that I have to other major psychosis and say that things seems fine for me to be a candidate for further treatment. Although much of the money comes back on Medicare, the cost is still quite brutal. Still I think it's good that I have been able to get this far without selling my ass or too many of my principles.

I got the photos back from the QC 2000, and it was good and they made me laugh and yet at the same time be sad for the cool people I might not see again soon. "Big" Steve from Canberra wants to write up an article for Woroni (ANU's students newspaper) and I believe I'll feature in that, should be cool I hope.
I still need to write up a sort biography for the psychologist. The one I posted on the net I can't find on my hard-drive, so I'll go back to the lab, download a copy and expand on that.

At the conference, there was at least one other TS (Audrey). We got chatting at the dance party on the last night (Friday) and I had the same sense of calm and happiness and understanding that I get when around Peta B or Peta G. The knowledge that here is someone who intimately understands where I'm coming from and that words don't need to be used to express the unspoken bond of shared experiences.

12:15 am - I've been working on the bio for the Psych session… I'm up to the end of school (Year 12). But, time to get some sleep.