11:00 pm - Wednesday 30th August 2000

Well, today kind of sucked didn't it…

Today did not start well, and it didn't improve from there. I was completely out of clean underwear, clothes and bras. I had to do my laundry as quick as possible and then get into work to prove I existed. Unfortunately I was prevented from leaving because… um, well… for some completely unknown reason I had um, err… unwanted activity in the nether regions. This coupled with the fact that none of the pants I had would cover this up, and I was forced to wear boi underwear while all my other stuff was in the wash, put me in a shit of a mood from which I didn't escape for the rest of the day.
Coffee was on, but that wasn't able to rescue me, instead I got to sit around with my festering thoughts and anxiety and didn't leave the lab until about 7:15 pm.

Yesterday's music lesson was also fraught with angst, because we were supposed to do a trust building exercise where we stand in a little circle and each person steps into the middle until they feel comfortable with the scrutiny. Suffice to say I did not feel all that comfortable, for obvious reasons I hate close physical scrutiny. However, it was my turn to sing, and that went Ok, I loosened up a fair bit but I'm not hugely keen on repeating it.

Today is my "evening off", and apart from actually getting home, cooking dinner, going to the gym, showering, chatting and now writing this diary entry up, I haven't done all that much. *bad joke* Suffice to say that I will be immensely glad when these workshops are over so that the majority of my evenings are freed up. Next week is the last set of workshops, so my wish will be granted soon, however I'm sure the thesis will step in to fill up the available time.

In the immediate future, I have the DJ workshop tomorrow, dinner and movie with R**** (net-guy) on Friday night and then the Glitter Ball on Saturday night. Tomorrow is pay-day (thank heavens) and so apart from giving money to Toad, I want to try to get over to the Kingston shoe shop before the Ball.
In other miscellaneous news, I wrote up the first page of writing (not data) for my thesis today. In actual fact, I've probably actually got about 50 pages of data and tables, but they don't "officially" count I think.
Also, I'm mentally constructing the letter I will have to send to R***** (the net guy) telling him in essence "Let's just be friends". I know in the interest of writing up it's best, but also from the point that he doesn't really know who I am, and probably doesn't want to know. I don't like deceiving people, but I think that even worse is to destroy someone with the truth. *sigh*