7:30 pm - Monday 20th November 2000

Well, it looks like my monitor is working just enough to hack out another entry…

The past few days have been rather hectic, and by this afternoon I'd had enough. I grabbed my bag and came home so that I wouldn't have a hissy fit in the lab. Basically I was working at the lab at 11:30 pm on Saturday night and then until 10:30 pm on Sunday night. Considering it was supposed to be the weekend, by this afternoon I was pretty fed up and brain-frazzled.
The good new for today was that my supervisor said that I could use the previous version of the theoretical and experimental introduction for my thesis. This saved me having to write about 30 pages which would have been extremely difficult otherwise.
The honors student is into her last week, so I will be glad when that is over because it is so noisy in the lab during the day and there's no respite on the weekends which I prefer.
It's been raining virtually every day this month, and although I like the rain, it does get a bit tedious after a while. I booked a hair appointment for Thursday, because I want to look nice for the party which will probably be the last big social bash amongst our clique for the year.
I'm healing up from the laser therapy, and can now worry about other things like making the rent for December. Thankfully Thursday is payday. Apart from that there has been very little going on.