12:40 am - Thursday 23rd November 2000

I wish all the good karma I dispersed actually came back to me…

Ok, today in a nutshell before I collapse.
Red called me at the lab at about 9:45 am and I met up with her at the Jolimont Center at ~10 am. She had finished her thesis finally and was waiting for it to be bound, we hugged, walked and chatted around Civic for an hour or two just catching up before we caught a taxi to go and pick up here thesis. We walked back over to the Uni, and I said farewell to her at about 12:30 pm.
The rest of the day was spent creating tables of data for NLO complexes for the last two years to go into my introduction. By about 5:30 pm I was feeling a bit tired/cranky and came home. I ate then snoozed till about 9 pm when I inspired myself to hit the lab again. Nigel and Elenei (honors student) were still there and I puttered away typing in page after page of data until I finally finished most of it at about midnight.

This evening I was feeling somewhat better about myself after I shaved, put on some nail-polish and took some care of myself. I'm tired, and I don't expect the tiredness to go away anytime soon, barring a holiday. Nevertheless, itchy, hay-fever eyes aside, I feel Ok, and expect things will be better by 6 pm tomorrow night.