8:50 pm - Sunday 7th January 2001

And now It's… Tony M. Nyphot's Flying Risccu!

Ok, where was I, ah yes in front of the computer. Not a bad weekend I have to admit. Saturday I gave S&J a ring to see them plus Marilyn and Rodney again before they left Australia. They were kind enough to come to Toad and pick me up about 11 am which made things easier and we did the mall-trawl at Woden Shopping Centre. After being disappointed twice because no-one there had the Ericsson T10S mobile phone which I wanted (despite phoning and being assured of it's availability on Friday afternoon). However as I passed a Tandy (aka Radio Shack) store, I was lured inside and success! We did a some more window shopping I had some good, interesting chats with Rodney and then we all decamped back to S&J's place. I was starving, so I got a loaf of bread and some cheese and had toasted sandwiches whilst Jules and I watched the rather incoherent "Ninja Scroll : Resurrection". About 6 pm, Marilyn dropped me off home where I napped and then washed my hair.
Washing my hair is a rather daunting task given the sheer volume and thickness of it all. I was using the new "Flat Out" stuff which I had gotten for Xmas, but was too tired to do a decent job with it, hence I ended up with my usual frizzy yuck post-wash hair. Oh well, I'll book in for a blow-wave eventually, but I hadn't washed my hair in ages (to preserve the pre-Xmas blow-wave) and it desperately needed it.

Today (Sunday) I spent on and off at the lab. I need to force myself to do writing on my thesis simply to get myself back into the groove. I was naturally bored by the attempt and went for a cycle around the lake after a while. Then came the main thrust of the day's activity "Desperately Seeking Sushi".
I had my first gnawing cravings yesterday in Woden mall, but was denied, so by about 3 pm today it had resurfaced with a vengeance. But where does one go for Sushi in Canberra on a Sunday afternoon? Nowhere apparently. All my cycling seemed in vain because every place was closed. I was almost tempted by Vietnamese until I decided to try the tiny Sushi bar in the supermarket. Success! It was cold sushi which I am less fond of, but after finally locating chopsticks, I was on my way home. Then I bumped into Rob (the guy I had the… ahem, fling with last year) we started chatting and then ordered coffee and caught up on the short Xmas break, it looks like we may meet up later in the week.
Anyway, I got home, kicked off my shoes, switched on the fan, put on some relaxing music, laid back and finally satisfied my craving… Yum…

10:35 pm - I chatted to Mum tonight, and she passed on something Dad had said. Basically he said that I "looked better than 9 out of 10 girls in Tumut". I don't know in what context this had come up, but it is really good to hear nonetheless. I want to try and show that I am the same person I've always been on the inside, but I had been too afraid to really "be me". Now that has all changed, I regret causing them any trauma, and I hope they can adapt in time.