Well, what an interesting day. I knew it was going to be sticky and hot, but 40 degrees Celsius has to be sat through to be fully appreciated. The day did not start off well when I sucked oil into my Schlenk line and then spent an hour or so cleaning it out. I put on two reactions and let those stir away semi-contentedly whilst I hid in the busy but air-conditioned office. Regardless of my attempts to stay cool or to escape, I seemed doomed to languish there. I made it home about 6:30 pm and my room was like an oven. However, about 30 minutes later the wind really to blow (I could smell a far off bush-fire) and not long after, enormous raindrops began to fall. The storm was great though I had to close my window to keep the rain out.
There was a break of about an hour at 7:30 pm before the storm set in again and I walked over to Burt St because Heather had invited me over for dinner. Jules was there, and we had a nice salad and wine, followed by passion fruit ice-cream. It was a nice time and we chatted to Susan briefly on the phone whilst she was out getting sloshed in a bar somewhere in Sydney. ;)
We watched "Desperado", a nonsensical remake of the apparently quite good "El Mariachi". Wow that movie (the remake) sucked, and we stayed till 11:30 pm to watch it unfortunately. But it was nice to get together, though I am reminded of how the month is almost already over which scared me a tad I admit.
Friday is Australia Day, which technically means a day off, something which is unlikely to actually come to fruition. It will still be warm and humid, and I have much thesis-ing to do. *blah* Tonight at least I hope to be able to make some repayment on my sleep debt however.
I got a card from Illara the other day which was nice, I shall have to send her an email, which considering how much I've been trying to dodge doing any writing is harder than expected.
I really would like to get my legs waxed whenever winter rocks around, they look fairly gross a lot of the time from shaving (or not shaving as the case maybe), so I might give that a shot and see if it helps. Girls with perfect non-razor-nicked legs tend to annoy me. ;)