It's been an mildly eventful last couple of days. Friday was pretty much another work day though I needed to get in contact with a friend and couldn't, and that was unpleasant because we'd had a misunderstanding. Saturday night was spent talking on the telephone to her. I did make it to the gym on Friday evening and am trying to make it a habit since (for me) habits are easy to maintain (just look at this diary). Saturday I spent time in the lab and also just wandering around Civic. The autumn leaves were cascading out of the trees and into the streets and gutters and it was too nice a day to stay in the lab for long.
On Sunday morning I didn't go to archery practice because the temporary practice range at the ANU had been bulldozed to make way for a new building. So I spent time chatting on ICQ and at the lab before I headed down to armoring at the DX household in Lyons at about 1:30 pm. That was pretty good and I stayed quite late because I missed the last bus and so was dependant upon a lift which didn't happen until 11:30 pm. Fortunately my shield was finished and my sword/stick was ready for at least quarter-speed practice on Wednesday.
Today I did more column work and I also chatted for an obscenely long period of time on ICQ. It is also Science Week, and tonight "Thunderbirds are Go!" is showing as part of the Sci-Fi festival at the Screen and Sound Archive, and I will be going with Peta in a little while.
11:20 pm - "Stephanie is GO!"