10:20 pm - Saturday 19th May 2001

Back on the borderline… (I know I've used this subject line before…)

Well, my first diary entry in a week or so, what has been happening?

Friday - I was moving for most of the day and Emma gave me a hand in the afternoon to move my bed and some general stuff. After that we went to the bar and just chilled and then I came home and totally crashed out. After some sleep I discovered that my network card was no longer working and whilst trying to fix this my monitor decided to pack it in. This was quite frustrating.

Saturday - Mum drove over and I was in a cranky mood to begin with because of all the moving and the computer being unusable. We escaped down to Woden where I calmed down somewhat thankfully. After some retail therapy we dropped by Susan and Jules's place to say hello and catch up. Mum went home and I think I spent Saturday night at home.

Sunday - I had received an email saying archery was back on, so I rocked around and had an Ok time. Getting an arrow-rest and a nocking point would really help me with my accuracy, given that I only have a 35 pound bow, I can't really expect to hit much at over 40 meters. I got a lift with Emma down to Lyons for DX's Sunday armoring session (DX being the household whom I'm hanging out with). Emma and I got a lot done that day, padded the groin protection, fitted and padded our gorget's (neck protection) and I got my shield re-strapped. Adam and I caught the last bus to Civic as he was working in town that night.

Monday - I didn't do much in the lab, just the usual thesis work. In the afternoon I went down to Lyons again to finish my gorget and to get Adam to fit my breast and back plates, Emma was also there and she gave me a lift back to Civic.

Tuesday - Again more thesis work, and again more late armoring. This session went from about 3:30 pm till 11:30 pm and Chrissy gave me a lift back to Toad. I cut all the straps for my breast and back plates, Adam drilled the holes and stained the leather and I fixed the buckles. He also fitted the first of my elbows which now needs to be padded and strapped. The three of us (Adam, Chrissy and I) went for Turkish as part of our dinner foray which was nice. I also had coffee and lunch with Tim for the first time in ages which was fun and wonderful as always. As usual he has plenty of plans afoot.

Wednesday - Wednesday again was the usual in the lab, but today was fighter training. Adam and the Baroness (Trudy) brought their full sets of armor and were going at full speed. Ruth, Emma, Krissy and myself were doing quarter-speed and we even had an impromptu shield-wall happening. I finally took my old chemistry books to the library and used that bag as my new armor bag. In the afternoon I had coffee with Peta G which was very nice as I had not seen her in quite a while

Thursday - I woke up with a sore throat and the day didn't really improve much from there. The library said I had an overdue book which I could not find anywhere and I spent a long time trawling through the telnet "vi" shell attempting to change my old icky name on my staff email. Finally I asked the IT guy to do it for me which was much easier, but I was still really edgy, ill and tired. It really was not a good day.

Friday - Friday on the other hand was as good a day as Thursday was bad. I found the missing library book and returned it. I was feeling much better and a discussion with my supervisor led to me getting an extension on my scholarship until the end of June! Mega-Yay! I was also quite productive on the thesis. That night was Queer Beers which attracted a fair crowd though I didn't know a lot of them and so I didn't stay very late.

Saturday - Mum came over around midday, and thankfully the monitor problem had been fixed by the computer guy in Tumut. The network card was still acting up so we went into town to get a new one as well as do some shopping. It was a nice sunny day and so it was a much improved Steph from a week ago. In the afternoon Mum drove home and I watched "Perfect Blue" at the Animee Club. The movie I quite liked though some scenes were a bit much for me to watch (it is very graphic). I came home and chatted to a friend for the longest time on the phone and then just laid around in bed for a long time. The Australia guy in this little block (Simon?) came around to say hi and chat, but I was only wearing a towel so I had an excuse to decline. Then I thought I should finally get around to writing something up for my diary and here I am!