12:30 am - Wednesday 30th May 2001

So, as I was travelling along Parramatta Road looking at all the new cars in the car-yards, I thought to myself "For $20,000 I could either get myself a penis extension or a penile inversion".

So, I caught the bus which seemed to take forever to get to Central. I was glad to have a seat to myself to stretch my legs out. Sydney at night is amazingly glarey and by the end my eyes felt burnt out. I managed to find the right city train to catch and Pauline met me at Marickville station. Red was sick with some bug, so she was at home. We all chatted and had dinner and then I crashed out on the suprisingly comfortable mattress.
The next day I got up late and got into the Registrar at about 10 am and this is where my plans fell slightly short of fulfillment. Although there was no problems with the actual name change itself (Yay), the new "Urgent" turnaround time was 24 hours (the price had also gone up, ouch). Because of the longer turnaround time, I elected to have it mailed to myself in Canberra, so this meant I couldn't get my other documentation changed like before, so I walked around some nearby markets, called a friend, wandered around the city and then went back to Marickville to hang out with Red and Pauline who had both taken the day off work.
At 4 pm I caught my mostly empty bus at Central and then after a 5 hour bus-trip got home to Canberra, McDonalds and then bed. I called Mum and let her know all the stuff that had gone on over the whole very busy week.

Today I got the revised Chapter 2 back (bad), the 2nd edition of Chapter 3 (not so bad) and was trying to work on the first paper to emerge from Chapter 4 (moderate). I talked to the lady in the Science Faculty Office to confirm my 6 month extension and also the amazing slowness of the internal mail. Tomorrow is fighter training and the "staring at a screen till I go blind" championships.

3:00 am - I'm halfway through Naomi Klein's "No Logo". I imagine I should be finished by dawn.