12:10 pm – Thursday 12th July 2001
Grrr… I'm getting slightly fed up with this young CD. This is the second or third time that he's arranged to meet with me (something I certainly am not obligated to do) and left a phone message with an excuse at the last moment…
I'm in the lab and everyone is back, the noise and the smell (my nose has gotten quite sensitive) are not helping much either, particularly when they are doing no work and I'm slaving away… must try to relax… deep breaths…
3 pm - Friday 13th July 2001
I feel tired and unmotivated, and yet I should be feeling amazingly up. I received first one and then a second very positive email from a Professor at Miami University (Yes, that's Miami Florida), it's my first foot in the door and he seems um… a little desperate to get his hands on a post-doc. The salary is US$25,000 but Florida is an amazingly expensive place to live which is why I'm hoping to get my hands on a post-doctoral position in New Hampshire which is paying a lot more and has a climate more suitable to my tastes. My plan is to stall the Florida guy until I hear back from New Hampshire. Mercenary? Probably, but I want to go to the US to save money for surgical stuff, not spend it all on living expenses…
This way of writing things will probably continue for a while, my home computer is now operable, but I still have no home net connection. Oh well, at least I can play mine-sweeper. Yesteday Peta (B) saved me from a very icky day and we went for coffee and then I introduced her to the wonders of Sushi. I even made it to the gym after that. Tonight Red is having a video night and she'll be feeding Susan and Jules and I which should be nice.