9:45 pm - Tuesday 17th July 2001
"Long-distance relationship" Oxymoron or state of denial?
Sometimes suddenly there is clarity and cluttered options fall away. Useless side-roads disappear and the only true objective is shown. Clear away the dross and chaff and the one true choice available is illuminated.
10:10 pm - (One hot shower later) I'm going off the progesterone before something regrettable happens.
8:55 am - Monday 18th July 2001
Well, I feel better. Sleep is good, but being able to do nothing is better. Alas today is z-scan, good in the sense that I can get these samples out of the way but well, it still is boring as all hell.
8:55 pm - Well, I managed to shave my legs without hitting a single artery. I've decided to bypass the gym tonight in favour of getting some good sleep, since it will be tomorrow (Thursday) before I can start Z-scan. I'm feeling much calmer today which is a good thing, I hope it keeps up.
9:45 pm - Thursday 19th July 2001
Sorry about these extremely short updates (and the time to taken to post them), but I'm really swimming in the dark bleak night of the thesis (night of the hunter, where's that quote from?). Anyway, I have Friday, Monday and Tuesday for the last of my z-scan ever. And this weekend is completely booked out. Saturday I'm having coffee with Peta (G), followed by the Tourney which forms part of the winter feast. I can't fight as I'm not authorized (and I don't have a helmet) but it's a short walk from where I live, so I'll try to make it. That evening is the Winter Feast which should be good, though I think I'm going to be completely freezing.
The next day is the usual round of archery and armouring and a group get-together at 6 pm. It's a combined thing to see off the German post-docs (holiday), the other Ph.D. submitting (finally) and various stuff. On top of this I have to synthesize my penultimate complexes for measurement on Monday morning, oh joy…
Oh yeah, I got my tax group certificate today, $862 should soon be mine! *eye's light up*