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Tygre's Photo Gallery
Here are some of photos of me, my friends, my parents, and who knows what else! Click on the thumbnailed image to get the full-sized picture.
Disney World, Summer '96
| (from left to right) My brother Michael, Tigger, me, and my Mom
| My brother and me with Pooh
| Me and Eyore
| The people who raised me (excluding Tigger!)
Me and My Friends
| (from left to right) Me, Andrea, Yvette, and Shannon
| Me, at a sweet 16 with pink hair
| My friend Yvette
| My friend Andrea
| My friend Lorraine
| Me, in 1994
| My mother the Bajoran, and me the Klingon
Other Junk
| A garbage can at Disney
| Tigger, made entirely of dried flowers
| "I have been chosen!"
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