ok, first of all i am not a fan...... just pissed,
what the hell are you guys doing?
don't get me wrong i am all for what you guys are trying to do. but you are doing it all wrong.
why do you think people with this magazine is getting suspended? well the answer is that are too many obcenities so that's there excuse. if yo uguys realy want to make a difference at that school your going to have to change the way you are writing. take out the excesive words like fuck, bitch, shit, etc. you don't need those words they just give the school board the right to not let you distribute this magazine. that way they figure if you want to make it a court thing they have something against you. there are many things you guys have to do to prepare yourself for this fight or rebelion against this school.

1. rewrite your issue 2 magazine without any foul language

2. contact me after you have done so

3. i will handle the rest.

4. wait for my game plan.....

5. tell me where this "Chris" kid is

i know what you guys are thinking. "why should we listen to you"? well if you don't listen to me all you are going to do is get you and everybody else expelled or in some kind of trouble. i am not one of them!!!
by my e-mail adress some of you may already know who i am.
i am also a victim of the schools excesive use of power, and the violation of rights.
who are you here to speak out for, yourself?, or the whole student body? i will be waiting for your response. you can do this, i know you can. by your articles i can tell that all of you are intelegent people. the school is not afraid of a student until the student walks not alone. hardly anybody has any confidece in you guys at the school, why? because nobody wants to get in a fight that they know are going to lose. well think about it and e-mail me back 1