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Coming out... my experiance and others

Coming out is a gay person's term often used when they tell other people about their sexuality. It is often a big time in a gay person's life, and it is important to remember that you should make up your mind whether to tell other people or not. There is no rush to tell everybody, and do not be rushed into anything - think about it carefully, and preferably talk to somebody else about it.

Some people come out at a very early age, others later on in life, and some never at all. In my experience, it is not good to rush things where "coming out" is involved.

My personal experience with coming out has been mostly positive. All of my close friends are supportive and understanding. They have been great, and helped me out when I have felt bad. I also told my parents fairly recently, and their main reaction was shock. They have had a rough time trying to accept it, but I understand that it is their problem and not mine.

If you have come out, and you would like your story on this page, please write to me at the e-mail address on the main web page.

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