My personal beliefs...

I'm not sure what possessed me to sit down and make this list, but somewhere within it lies the true essence of me and the life I strive for. So in no particular order of importance, here goes...

I believe that music is the soundtrack of our lives
I believe that finding true connections with people is the only way to fill the heart
I believe in love
I believe that heartache is the worst pain of all
I believe in life after love
I believe that I see my past through the eyes of an old woman
I believe that I see my present through the eyes of a child
I believe that true success has no bearing on the job you land
I believe that I'd still rather be writing than lifting boxes for a living
I believe that money is a horrible thing when you don't have much of it
I believe that money is just as horrible when you have too much of it
I believe that good writing comes from your soul and all its experiences
I believe that white hot chocolate and hotdogs taste absolutely wonderful after a night at the bar
I believe that guilt can lead to terrible things
I believe that terrible things lead to new insight and positive change
I believe that I have changed
I believe that black lights and rainbow lights should replace all white light
I believe that everybody should dance naked in the rain at least once
I believe that records are better than cd's and tapes
I believe that it's better to be emotionally open than to keep up "walls"
I believe in the heart, the soul, and the mind
I believe that the mind is a complicated thing, and the heart even more complex
I believe that true love never dies
I believe that my self-esteem would still be intack had I blanked out from age 10-16
I believe that I'm most peaceful when I'm feeding the ducks
I believe that I'm most reflective when I'm writing stuff like this
I believe that I'm most happiest when I'm in love
I believe that love is never truly appreciated until it's gone
I believe that you can fall in love more than once in a lifetime
I believe that I was in love once...and now again
I believe that nothing could ever compare to the newness of emotions experienced with a first love
I believe that "love" and being "in-love" are to very different feelings
I believe that I am "in-love" with my girlfriend
I believe that colorful weeds are prettier than roses
I believe that short-haired girls have more fun
I believe that everyone should still be sleeping when the sun comes up
I believe that everyone should sit on their roofs and watch the sun go down
I believe that I'm a powerful vivid dreamer...whether in sleep or in thought...
I believe that Cyndi Lauper's first album was way better than Madonna's
I believe that I've learned and changed more in the past five years than my entire life combined
I believe that I'd make very different decisions if I could do it all over again
I believe in me
I believe that I have a guardian angel
I believe that everything happens for a reason
I believe that life is like one of those crossword puzzle mazes
I believe that most of us get lost in the confusion of that maze
I believe that our souls continue life after life to make it through the maze
I believe in the paranormal
I believe that I am just as a afraid of it as I am intrigued by it
I believe that women are more passionate than men
I believe that I have four personalities
I believe that the personality I possess when I'm with you is the opposite of who you are
I believe that this gets very confusing at times
I believe that my tattoo is the best armband tattoo I've seen
I believe that exotic piercings are awesome
I believe that we should all be born with pink or blue hair
I believe that I'd look awesome with purple eyes
I believe that Goofy has way more personality than Mickey
I believe that if you've never owned an inflatable couch you don't know what you're missing
I believe that we should all try new things
I believe that I'm still afraid of change
I believe that rules were made to be broken
I believe that I have wings
I believe that eroticism of the mind is way more of a turn-on
I believe that the best movies are the ones that make me cry
I believe that numerology, astrology, and the events of our lives totally influence our personalities
I believe that non-cola's suck
I believe that chocolate and chips are better than candy any day
I believe that clocks should all be destroyed
I believe that we should Drink love, Milk life
I believe that it's more fun to watch women play baseball than men
I believe in purple love
I believe that cuddling is more romantic than sex
I believe that I should be able to blast my music at 3am
I believe that clothes should be optional
I believe that there should be more woman for woman strip clubs
I believe that I need more male friends
I believe that pool should be a national past-time
I believe that Zoodles should only be eaten at room temperature
I believe that beer and pop should never enter a fridge
I believe that we should all strive to purify our souls
I believe that it's the little things that make a relationship work
I believe in ME
I believe that I'm one of the last of the great romantics
I believe in lilies and roses, ladybugs and dolphins
I believe that nothing compares to the gentle touch of a woman
I believe that the only thing that comes close is perhaps her rough touch
I believe that you should try everything once
I believe in the best of everything
I believe that you shouldn't think too much
I believe that you should allow yourself to feel everything, even when it hurts
I believe that that is the only way to truly experience life
I believe in temporary insanity
I believe that I was insane for two weeks of my life
I believe that I will do anything to avoid sinking into that black hole again
I believe that we should all walk barefoot in the mud
I believe that when I close my eyes you do not exist
I believe that bras are a nuissance
I believe that my girlfriend is absolutely beautiful in every way
I believe that I am way too emotional for my own good
I believe that you should give others the benefit of the doubt
I believe in the inspiration of the Starfish parable
I believe that I want to be the man who walks along the shore stopping only to throw another starfish back into the ocean
I believe that most times I'm the damn starfish
I believe that I have one of those faces that people seem to remember easily
I believe I am proud of who I am today
I believe that I feel very maternal
I believe that I have a great need to understand myself
I believe that I have a great need to connect with the other people in my life
I believe that this usually becomes very frustrating when I can't connect
I believe that most times people dissapoint me
I believe that there are many times when I just need to be alone
I believe that this is one of those times
I believe that I am very moody
I believe that I usually jump between the extremes of sad and happy and am rarely just content
I believe that this has a lot to do with my past
I believe that I love a good all out argument every so often
I believe that my brother and sister are the cutest kids in the world
I believe that I want two children, one which I will carry and one my future wife will carry
I believe that "the heart does go on..."
I believe that this list is extremely long
I believe that my ears, my stomach, my inner thigh, and my back totally fall victim to a woman's soft tease
I believe that I blush way too much
I believe that I have a lot going on inside of me
I believe that you'd know that if you took the time to see the real me
I believe that not many people bother to find that time
I believe that they're missing out
I believe that those are the people I get nervous around
I believe that's something I need to change
I believe that we should all make a wish at 11:11 am/pm
I believe that I would like to dance and chant with the Hare Krishna's again
I believe that the last sentence must have made you raise your eyebrows
I believe that I don't follow any one religion
I believe that I could smell an empty Quaker Oats Maple Brown Sugar packet forever...MmmMmmm...
I believe that your life is a gift...treasure it
I believe that your presence in my life is to help me learn and grow as a person
I believe that we all have the power to make a difference, however small
I believe that we should all share ouselves more
I believe that I have a very dark side to my personality
I believe that I've done a damn good job keeping this side of me from popping up
I believe that tomorrow never comes, so do it today
I believe that you should still pick dandelions for your mom when you're 23
I believe that when walking with your partner, you should always be on the lookout for beautiful yellow or purple wildflowers to give
I believe that it's better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all
I believe that we should say "hello" to strangers when they pass
I believe that we should address strangers as "sir/ma'am" no matter what their station in life is
I believe that this list will never end
I believe that we should all be a bit corney sometimes
I believe that I'm the corniest person there is
I believe you can have a good time anywhere, as long as you try to make the best of it
I believe that you CAN recreate space
I believe that we should all take some "me" time when life is at its busiest
I believe that society has too many rules and deadlines
I believe that most of us get caught up in this, and forget how to enjoy life
I believe that I still have so much to learn and discover
I believe that I'm fooling myself half the time
I believe that I'm always right, until you prove me wrong
I believe that less is more
I believe that most people are surprised at how sensitive I am
I believe that the book was better than the movie
I believe that I have no willpower what so ever
I believe that we should all hug a lot more
I believe that life is way too complicated
I believe that for now this list is done

<BGSOUND SRC="jewellifeuncommon.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
MUSIC: Life Uncommon - Jewel