Rumour has it that Toronto has the biggest Pride celebration in North America. Now I know that San Fransisco and New York's must be massive, but I've never actually been. But having partied at four Pride celebrations in Toronto (and one more coming up at the end of June!), I have to tell you it couldn't possibly get any bigger than this! One million strong, my friends...

Me and Christy at the
Post-Aids Run/Pre-Dyke march party
behind the Church street community center...

Christy (background), Faiza (lt),
and my ex-girlfriend Tara (rt)
dancing in the streets
during the Dyke March!

Faiza and Danielle mugging for the camera...

(Parents, Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
cheering us on during the march!
You guys are awesome!

Showing off my true colors during the Dyke March!