The Rainbow Bridge
Internet Link Exchange
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The Rainbow Bridge

Queer Youth Page

It's not always easy to be young and gay, or young and Deaf, or all three. You're either too young, too gay, or too Deaf. Not here. We will include news relevant to youth as well, and your suggestions to make this page more cool are always appreciated. You are just as much a part of this community as older people are. You are our future, and we must be proud of your courage. Always be yourself, and know that you are "family" here, too.

Happy Gay Place - Happy page for gay teens. (Smile!)

Books for Gay and Lesbian Teens/Youth - list of books geared towared queer teens with pricing info and where to order them from.

BoyPup's life - diary of a 16-year-old gay boy growing up in England.

Gay/Straight Alliances - guide for students and student organizations to help them plan support groups for gay, lesbian and heterosexual students in Massachusetts schools.

Gender, Sex and Sexuality - Information and articles about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questiong youth issues. Includes a sex dictionary.

GLB Youth Advisor - Sponsored by Children's Animated Television (CAT), a non-profit organization. Features original articles and an extensive collection of links.

Young Gay Men Talking - young gay men in the UK talk about coming out, about sex, and about HIV & AIDS. "Being gay is not a way of life, it's a part of life" - Peter.