Big StarJungle PictureBig Star
StarA.K.A. Drum N Base * HardCoreStar

"You are about to witness the strength of street sound"

Jungle has yet to get the true respect it deserves here in L.A and the U.S. [Although from what I've noticed , its more loved in the East coast] That's changing slowly though. Were seeing more all Jungle events [Raves/Partys] and Techno Clubs having thier own Jungle rooms. [usualy there the secondary room and not the main one though]

Theres negative things that some people [Ravers] have to say about Jungle that I've heard. From shit to "I can't or how do I dance to it" to "Its just dumb mindless music" - [which is kind of stupid if only they opened thier mind more to it and would realize its actualy a beautiful of music]

I have no problem dancing to Jungle and theres nothing like having it played out at Raves. Nothing compares to that deep-ass fuck-N Base running through your body while drums overflow it.! Now that's the shit.!

! Base-In-Yo-Face !

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This page was last updated on August 15, 1997. Latino [tm] Since 1976.