No Smiley No PLUR No Smiley

P.L.U.R is all good when it's recieved as it is given and vice versa. Sometimes its not always like that and I feel thats when its time to throw P.L.U.R out the door.

When I throw PLUR out its for :

No PLUR Line

Mad Smiley Racist close minded fuckers who got nothing else to do but to judge and hate people because of thier color or race. "U talk your smack amongst your friends and dumbfucks who relate to U , but when it comes to walk the walk U Aint Nothing But a Punk-Ass Bitch.!"

Mad Smiley Homophobic pussys who feel they have to prove something to themselves by attacking people they do not understand. "Cuz U know thier insecure about thier ownselves (maybe thier own sexuality) that they think they got some shit to prove by fucking with people."

No P.L.U.R. Line

Star "What's with U boy faken hard? , A tatood body to hide who U R" Star

Star "Scared to be honest with yourself , A cowardly mind." Star

- Korn (from thier song Clown)

This page was last updated on June 3, 1997. Latino (tm) Since 1976.