"A Few of My Good Friends"
My Photo Gallery II

Here are a few pics of my good friend Carlos from Brazil. We met through the net about 1 year ago and have been corresponding with each other ever since then. He is a great guy!

If you like his pics and want to correspond with him, feel free to e-mail him at Carlos's e-mail

Here is a pic of my friend's cat. You can't see it b/c I can't change the format of it yet, I have to do that from home.

This picture was taken about 3 weeks ago in my friends apartment. There is Kirk next to me and John who is standing next to him. Shalora is infront of us. Isn't she cute!

I will be adding more pics of friends once I receive them.

Isn't she fierce. I saw her once and knew I had to have her. So I stole her from someone's page. She is awesome. I will cite the owner. Cute Twit

To move back to my photo album!

Photo Gallery

Email me at Hotboy's E-mail and tell me what you think of my page, all e-mails will receive a response.