Palanca sent this scan of a sandal used by runners in the South American Rarimuri tribe (click on it for a full-sized image):
Some pictures directly off the scanner. The one on the left is my own foot, taken last week... The one in the center was sent to me by somebody named Jimmy who said "All that I ask is that you keep my email address a secret and don't email me" ... And the one on the right was posted to a newsgroup as 'Al's Foot' by someone who posted his email address as (I don't know if this is a valid address, or if it's his own foot or whatever...) Anyhow, click on the thumbnails to enlarge, as usual:
Ticklemaniac sent some pictures of his feet taken by the incomparable Jay Grafmiller. You can email Ticklemaniac (not his real name, I believe...) or visit his web site.
Michael (he prefers to remain anonymous, but I can forward email) sent some pictures of himself (and a barefoot gondolier) taken on a recent trip to Venice:
Shaw sent some pictures of his feet... he reports: "my feet r a size 7 1/2 small but cute! they do smell pretty bad each day when i get done work! i have over 25 pairs of nikes!"