In Search of the Invisible Man Episode II Matt West and Philip Dlab Second Draft - May 10, 1996 CONFIDENTIAL Copy: Matt West FADE IN: 1. EXT. SOMMERSET AND OCONNOR - DAY Fredirick Crabbe is standing on a sidewalk holding a microphone and staring into the camera. FREDRICK CRABBE What a wonderful weather we are having. I'm Fredrick Crabbe, and it's a perfect day to find the Invisible Man. Fred begins walking, the camera follows, and an APARTMENT BUILDING is revealed in the shot. FRED (CONTINUES) If you recall the last time we've tried capture the invisible man, I plummeted 18 floors to the ground, and it slightly hurt. It's many moons later, and I have regained strength, feeling on my left side, and motivation to start again. 2. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY A TIGHT on FLOWERS by a tombstone. FRED A couple of months ago, I was fortunate enough to come across George Thump. I explained my situation to him and he designed this device, the Tripthong Womble, to help us capture the invisible man. Unfortunately, days later I went to give George a high five - instead, I accidentally hit him in the head - he overreacted and died. The charges were dropped, and here I am now. However, there is just one minor setback. I have completely forgotten how to use this gadget. Fred's fingers begin to fondle the instrument. FRED Oh, I think that this might be the right knob. The switch triggers an EXPLOSION. 4. EXT. MUSHROOM CLOUD - DAY CUT TO: 5. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY Fred appears to be slightly burnt from the explosion. A CLOUD OF SMOKE rises from behind. FRED We won't do that again! 6. INT. DR. JENKIN'S LIVINGROOM - EVENING Fred and Dr. Jenkins are sitting beside each other on a couch. Fredrick looks very excited, while the doctor looks annoyed. FRED Here with me now is Dr. Jenkins. He has agreed to be interviewed after refusing the other six hundred and fifty-four times. Dr. Jenkins, what methods would be best used to help us catch this invisible phenomenon? DR. JENKINS I've told you, Fred. You are ill and need some rest. Now, I think it would be in your best interest to have a week-long nap. Why don't you just turn off the camera and relax for a bit- maybe have a vacation or something. Obviously, I'll have to get you a stronger prescription. The stress of unemployment is getting to you. Fred pulls out a GUN, and shoots Jenkins. Without a reaction, he continues. FRED In 1373, an invisible man had been last detected right... 6. EXT. CENTRAL PARK - DAY FRED (CONTINUES), in this very spot. He doesn't seem to be here right now. In a few moments, I should be receiving a telephone call. We hear a TELEPHONE RING. Fredrick Crabbe walks over to a TELEPHONE BOOTH, picks up the receiver and begins to talk. FRED Good timing! Oh, excuse me for one moment. Fred brings the receiver to his chest and turns towards the camera. FRED On the phone with me now is Harold. For our search, we hired Harold to phone the local hospitals and find out if any invisible babies have been born in the last sixty years. Let's see what he has come up with. Fred turns back towards the phone and brings the receiver to his ear. FRED So, what did you find out, Harold? Oh, God! They have threatened you? And then they hung up? Well thank you, Harold... yes... good bye. Fred hangs up the phone and walks out the telephone booth. FRED He's going to try again later. I don't trust him, so I'm going to see the hospital myself. 7. EXT. HOSPITAL - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - DAY CUT TO: 8. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - DAY Fred walks up to the registration counter and begins talking to a nurse. FRED Hello, I was wondering if you could help me concerning an invisible Man? The nurse picks up a phone. NURSE Doctor, we have another patient... 9. EXT. PARK - DAY CLOSE UP of Fredrick Crabbe hiding behind a BUSH wearing a pair of RIDICULOUS SUNGLASSES. A second later he walks out from behind the bush. FRED These glasses may appear to be of the ordinary fashion, but that's where you are wrong. Fred starts walking. The CAMERA DOLLIES to maintain a constant distance. FRED (CONTINUES) Now. There is a special crystal planted in the glass somewhere (places his finger on his lens) in here. This crystal measures small disturbances in air particles which allows us to see only a very small section of the visible spectrum. The CAMERA STOPS. Fredrick keeps walking. FRED (CONTINUES) In fact, this section is so small, it's invisible. Fred keeps going. Unable to see, he smashes into the camera. We see a WIDE SHOT of Fredrick Crabbe struggling, then smashing into a TREE, and then falling on his back. TIGHT on Fred lying on the ground. His eyes suddenly pop open. FRED I just got a crazy idea! (He pulls his mike closer.) If I climb this tree, then perhaps I can get a better view. Fred is now climbing the tree. FRED Hmmmm, this is a bit trickier than I thought. Fred is now sitting on a BRANCH, turning his head in every direction. FRED You definitely get a different perception with these glasses. The world seems a different color. It would seem that there isn't much invisible around. We hear a HACKSAW CHOPPING. Fred pulls his glasses onto his forehead; he listens, and then looks down. We see a 2-SHOT of two LUMBERJACKS chopping down the tree Fred is sitting on. Both of them are wearing HEAD SETS. TIGHT on one of the Lumberjacks at work. We hear faint cheesy music coming from the headset. FRED Shoo, shoo! Go away; I've already been slightly injured. We hear a CRACKLING SOUND. FRED (CONTINUES) Which way is the wind blowing - must act accordingly! TIGHT on Crabbe as he licks his finger and holds it out in the air. The tree begins to tilt, and then falls quickly. CLOSE UP of Fred lying on the ground. The glasses are broken - DEFOCUS. 10. EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE - DAY It is three weeks later. Fredrick Crabbe is standing at front of a country house with a farmer, Mr. Phillips. FRED Well, that was a bit embarrassing, now, wasn't it? You are probably wondering what is in my pocket. Well, I'll tell you. Mr. Phillips, from Almonte, has kindly decided to help us with our expedition. When he was looking for gold... Fred pulls out a SPOON from his pocket. FRED (CONTINUES) ...he used this lucky spoon. We offered to pay a small price for it, but he wanted more. Fred pulls out a gun, shoots Phillips and then begins to walk slowly towards a camera. The camera DOLLIES BACK to maintain distance. FRED This instrument with a shallow bowl at the end of the handle will be a major factor in our investigation. Let's put it to work, shall we? This seems like a good spot to test our lucky spoon. Fred stops, holds the spoon out at front of his body and begins to spin around. As he spins, an FBI Agent arrives and taps him on the shoulder. FBI AGENT Sorry to bother you, sir, but we're looking for a man who has killed some people. We have a picture. Have you seen this man? The Agent hands Fred a PICTURE. The picture is of Fredrick. QUICK REACTION SHOT OF FRED. FREEZE FRAME. FADE TO BLACK.