Where does the name  QUANDT  come from anyway ?

The name Quandt is a derivative of two things.  My belief that everything that exists is comprised of pure energy (Quantum Physics) and from a really cool police dog  that lived in my back neighbors yard.  Honestly,  it's more from the dog's name than physics.  Quant was too cool to be believable.  He was a marvel of obedience and loyalty to his MASTER.  It  is may goal to do as much to honor his memory as possible  WOOF !  in all of my "leather" activities.

Quant obviously didn't smoke cigars but I do...
I get really turned on by them.  I like the smoke but you know what ?  I like it when men around me smoke them more than I like to smoke myself.

Hoods and collars are cool !  The hood is used to control the senses of the wearer.  The collar is a symbol of control and ownership.  You know what ?  When I take my dog's collar off  he sits in front of  me begging to have it put back on.  I do the same thing...

Nasty looking  ?  You bet !  Why would anyone submit voluntarily to getting there butts beaten with these ? 
Why question what feels good ?  It's not just a head trip.  It's because of the endorphin rush too.

Recognize these ?  They're my favorite toys.  Make 'em hurt DADDY !  I think that there is a direct connection from someplace to another place.  Watch that skyscraper pierce the clouds when you put these in the right place !