
The Many and Various things I get up to just for fun

The obligatory Pussies


Those are, left to right, Howard; Jon; Chris; Stephen; Me, right at the back; Some dim quean who wished he was Marilyn Monroe; William the Mad, with his gob open as usual; and Nigel who's 21st birtday party this was. I think it was his fifth or sixth 21st in a row.

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There is currently (April '97) an intruiging production at the National Theatre, London.


The persecution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

By Peter Weiss (1963)
English version by Geoffrey Skelton, verse adaptation by Adrian Mitchell (1964)

Set in an asylum in 1808, Peter Weiss' play within a play turns from visceral emotional shock, to an examination of freedom, the artist in society and the true meaning of revolution - then as now

In the aftermath of the French RevolutionJean-Paul Marat sits in his bathtub loudly defending the continuing executions and attacking the Church. Meanwhile, the historical events leading up to his assassination are acted out by his fellow inmates, who become increasingly agitated, as de Sade watches in delight.


de Sade is famous for giving his name to half of the sexual phenomenon sadomasochism. Personally I found 101 Days of Sodom boringly repetitive and anyway, of the BDSM scene I'm more interested in the BD than the SM.


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