Opportunities for service in these volunteer positions are available. Your time and talents are most welcome, and we would love to have you join us in continuing to provide a meaningful, fulfilling, and fun worship experience. If you are interested in serving in one or more of these positions, please e-mail WFMCC Church Office


Office Help

This includes copying, folding bulletins, some light computer work, etc.



Communion Server

Offers Communion to those who come forward and says a brief blessing over them.



Children’s Sermons

Preparing and giving a 5-minute sermon to the children of the church once a month.




Partnering with another person and scheduled once a month or so to clean the church in preparation for Sunday Worship.




This person comes forward during the ceremony (with another person) and reads the prayer (or the other person reads it), and then passes the plates, bringing them forward on the doxology. They then hold the elements during communion (for the servers).



Service Coordinator/Greeter

Setting up for Sunday Service & Greeting Worshippers. This includes setting up the altar, turning on the lights, putting out the appropriate things for worship and then handing out bulletins while welcoming people.




Scheduled to be on the altar with the Pastor during worship. Responsible for: Call to Worship, Scripture Reading, Invitation to Communion, Serves Communion, Consumes the Elements after Communion.



Sunday School Teacher

Scheduled to teach Sunday Children’s Sunday School once or twice every other month. Curriculum is provided.



Care for Others

This includes sending cards and notes, and making visits and phone calls to those who may need encouragement and support. It may also include arranging for food to be taken to the person if needed.




Playing instruments for the Glory of God




Participating in any of the following:

- Choir

- Leading Music one Sunday a month

- Singing Special Music sometimes

- Singing with a small group of folks



Service Coordinator/Usher

This includes setting up the altar, checking off the names of people who are scheduled for worship --- being sure everyone is present and then filling spots as needed if scheduled participants don’t arrive. This person also serves as the usher and lights the candles, puts them out after service, and releases rows for receiving Communion.



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This page last updated on 7 February 2004. 1