Just to let you know, this page is


Okay, well, this will be an interesting attempt at something. I've had an account at Tripod for about 5 years, but about 4 years ago, I switched over to GeoCities. There are a few more added into the mix, and I'm not even sure of all the passwords and usernames, anymore. But here's the jist: I'm going to start combining and interlinking the websites that I "own" to make one big site. So don't worry, if your web browser starts pointing at different sites than the one you came in on you're not being sent to anyone else, unless you clicked on an advertising banner (Yes, I will have those, but only if I think they're worthy of my attention and yours). So for now, sit back, and enjoy my grand experiment.

Oh, also, if you would, please click below to let me know what site you came in on originally, as all the main pages will be identical. 'Preciate it! (You'll be automatically directed back here after you click.)


Testing - Stuff about me, and my life. -- 11/19/00
Pictures of me.
My Writing: The fist chapter of a story, and some poetry.
Pictures from my 1999 trip to Chicago for the PrideFEST -- Coming soon!!
Qutoes from movies, songs, books, etc.
Link to various chat programs. - Update to allow Java connection to telnet based chat lines coming VERY soon. - 7/7/00

Various ways to get my attention:

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AIM: RedOnTop1
Email: RedTopKC@kc.rr.com

Page last updated July 5th, 2000
Send me mail!!
Should I be proud of this? Hmm....

I just found out that out of the various Buffy the Vampire Slayer Girls, I'm most like Anya...hmm....

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

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