Officer Wes & slave jeff’s

Master/slave relationship



jeff and I enjoyed many good times with him as my boy, then slave, in our nearly five years together.


Some happy / fond memories Officer Wes has of jeff as his boy and slave

·        the story of our meeting, where jeff felt a need to meet me after reading about a Leather 101 presentation I’d done

·        jeff’s initial wonderment of being taken, when I pinned him to the bed

·        taking American Sign Language class together Spring 2004

·        collaring 2/4/2004

·        our first South Plains together 2/2004

·        jeff’s Nicky Awards nomination for “volunteer of the year” 2004

·        wearing uniforms together to the Nicky Awards May 4, 2004

·        the intimate evening seeing k.d. lang in concert, fourth-row center tickets August 2004

·        stunning polished boots

·        jeff washing My Harley at the place before he moved next door

·        jeff’s wonderful introspection “i'm ready for more surrender” 9/2004

·        marking My slave with a Prince Albert

·        locking the collar around his hospital bed so it would be there when he came out of surgery for his first elbow MRSA incident 3/2005

·        Tom's art opening at David's 8/16/2005

·        our sweet 30-minute talks alone

·        playing Uncle Wesley at DisneyWorld 10/2005

·        the Mohawk jeff surprised me with in response to an off-handed comment “you’d look cute in one of those”

·        motorcycle rides

·        hook pull in San Diego 1/7/2006

·        family dinners & movie nights

·        jeff covertly teaching Opa new tricks as a surprise for Master & Tom

·        jeff's calm presence

·        jeff's ability to arouse me

Some things about slave jeff that Officer Wes loved and wants to remember

·        lovable

·        loving

·        caring

·        arousing

·        selfless / of service

·        smart

·        grounded

·        willing

·        open-minded

·        non-attached

·        honest

How is Jeff better off from having been in Officer Wes’ service?

·        Nearly 5 years of devoted service, fun, excitement, love, and Leather learning

o       I was his confidant

o       gaining wonderful immediate & extended Leather family

o       boot care knowledge

o       electrical

o       clothespins

o       needles

o       mummification

o       hook pulls

o       boots to the nuts

o       hood

o       flogging

o       piss, etc.

o       motorcycle rides

o       presentations (more further below)

·        Unburdened

o       Storage garage 6/2005

o       Credit debt 11/15/2005

o       IRS debt 2005

o       Removing Sustiva and its horrible mental fog

·        Seen through crises

o       him totalling the VW Jetta ~2004 and the search for a new car

o       the elbow MRSA 3/2005

o       bringing him to Dr. Torres in Mexico for a cracked tooth supporting a bridge ~5/2005

o       taking him to the emergency room after a prostate biopsy made him unable to piss – 1.6 liters came out 8/2005

o       his double pelvis fracture 8/2007+
I told him we’d allocate whatever resources he’d need, but that I did not have the energy to be a primary caregiver.  I could have done a better job of overseeing that things got done, as he did not call in the help that he truly needed.

o       the elbow MRSA ~2008

o       shepherding him through a Mexican dental trip during his tooth abscess 6/2008

How is Officer Wes better off from Jeff having been in his service?

·        Nearly 5 years of devoted service and love

o       jeff consistently striving to be mindfully present with a loving heart

o       jeff was my confidant

o       jeff assisted with all these presentations:

§        Leather 101 presentation for Club X, November 8, 2007

§        Leather 101 presentation for The Leather Realm at San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride, July 21, 2007

§        Officer Wes, Steve "The Hook", Doug "Crazy Eye" & slave jeff present on Leather and Spirituality for the San Diego League of Gentlemen, May 4, 2007

§        Power Play: High End Electrical at SouthPlains Leatherfest - International Master/slave Weekend, February 23-25, 2007

§        "Back to Basics: Electrical" for Club X, August 9, 2006

§        Leather 101 presentation for The Leather Realm at San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride, July 29, 2006

§        Officer Wes and slave jeff receive an excellence in presentation award May 6, 2006, from the Pain Guild for the Things That Pinch presentation the previous summer

§        SM102 presentation for the Club X Mental Health Forum designed to nurture some Kink Aware Professionals locally, April 28, 2006. This presentation focussed on the why of leather (authenticity, surrender, bliss); and also issues that therapists might see in their clinical practice. slave jeff also sat on the submissives' panel.

§        Master/slave & Daddy/boy relationships presentation for the Pain Guild, August 31, 2005

§        Leather 101 presentation for The Leather Realm at San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride, July 30, 2005

§        An experiential evening of "High-End Electrical: Integrating Sight, Sound & Sensation" for Club X, July 14, 2005

§        Things That Pinch presentation for the Pain Guild, July 6, 2005

§        Two electrical presentations for the San Diego League of Gentlemen: one was a special presentation on high-end electrical work integrating sight & sound with sensation; a second was on the erotic use of violet wands, both in 2004

§        Leather 101 presentation for The Leather Realm at San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride, July 31, 2004

o       jeff shined My boots beautifully when directed

o       jeff shined My Harley when directed

o       jeff serviced My leathers when directed

o       jeff gave our four-legged pup, Opa, sweet playtime

o       jeff did our biweekly Costco shopping

o       jeff and I learned sign language together.  (Technically a refresher for jeff).  Great fun.

·        Seen through crises

o       My EpZiCom allergy / sleep deprivation – summer 2006

o       The suicide of a previous slave, boy tim -- August 16, 2006

o       Tom's health weirdness December 2007 – May 2008 (blurred vision, vertigo/dizziness, hearing challenge in good left ear)

Why did we end our Master/slave relationship to shift to friends?

The two years I had jeff live next door with my other slave, bobby, were challenging.  This caused stress for the entire family.  I issued achievable orders for problematic issues.  Those orders were these:


1.     Synchronize to my schedule.
This would make my slave more available to me, and also diminish the roommate problem of jeff being up all hours of the night.
Ultimately, jeff remained up all hours of the night and frequently did not get up before noon.

2.     Keep the slavequarters clean and thin at least 1 paper a day.
This would make the slavequarters pleasing to me, and diminish the roommate problem of jeff’s messiness.
Ultimately, the prime improvement here came when I used slave funds to hire a biweekly maid.
Essentially no thinning was done.

3.     Strive to save money.
This would create my emergency and retirement reserve for slave jeff.
The workable budget I made had potential savings of $1,000/month; essential at his nearing-retirement age.
Ultimately, jeff saved $100 in a 13-month period.

4.     Drop part of the 25-pound weight gain from the 2004-2005 holidays; 1 pound a month.  Related, eat less & better.
This would improve the health and appearance of my slave.
Three years later he weighed 2 pounds more.

5.     Bond better with Tom.
This is part of
Officer Wes' protocol for His slave.
jeff did do things for Tom, and Tom made opportunities and time for jeff.
But jeff also got on Tom’s nerves, particularly about inaction on the four orders above.
Ultimately, when I asked Tom in one of our periodic reviews “If you could arrange your life however you wanted in relation to slave jeff, how would you arrange it?”
“he wears you out.  he would not be your slave.”


jeff and I ended our Master/slave relationship when it was apparent to me that things were not going to change.  I uncollared him July 13, 2008.


In a wrap-up talk, jeff stated “When you told me what you wanted and that I wasn’t accomplishing it, I shut down.  I needed a Master who would get inside my head and figure out why I wasn’t performing.  It is only in these few days since the uncollaring that I have this clarity.”  I expressed frustration that he’d not been able to communicate this in our daily conversations or any of the 100+ weekly reports on “ANYTHING Master needs to know”.


From my vantage point, I gave jeff clear, achievable goals, ample resources of money and time, and he did not perform in these five areas.  As one friend said “That is passive resistance in a slave who ‘lives to serve’.”  For me, to continue further as Master/slave would simply be enabling a relationship that was no longer working for either party.

But, it’s not all black and white.  Some big stuff happened in those two years.  (Not the least of these were jeff on mind-numbing Sustiva that first year, and double-fracturing his pelvis in the second year.  Similarly, Officer Wes had health challenges of his own, which naturally also impact a slave.)  His former slavebrother cheerfully chimes in, “he’s incredibly sweet.”  jeff states the change simply:  “It was time.”  As mentioned at the outset, we had many good times in our Sir/boy and Master/slave relationship.

© 2008 by Officer Wes