May's Examples:

Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18





love the "f### you... I'm bigger than you'll ever be" attitude of number two. However number one takes it... real, natural, probably stupid, ... heaven!
("Well said, my daughter!" --Oscar Wilde, Salome)

had a hard time choosing between #1 and #2, those arms and chests get me every time but the abs won.

what a disapointment. i thought this was for average guys with muscular builds, just guys on the street. here you'v got a pro wrestler and marky mark no less. if your not getting submissions then i guess enough people arn't interested and thats too bad. i'd like to see good pics each month. maybe you need to show more than three per month which might cause more muscular guys to send pics. whatever, number one is definately a winner. great biceps and abs, a bit more taper would be better but he looks great.
(I can figure out the spelling, but the logic eludes me entirely.)

Wow, what choices!
(Some are easier to please than others.)

#1 has the best body overall the most muscular. His arms are deadly!

#2 is interesting, particularly the way he's pointing at his arm. "You want to feel it, don't you?"

#3 -- Mark has fantastic arms the peak is incredible.

Fig. 1 is the best of the bunch. He's all buff and ready.

#3 looks like a 17 year old street hustler who beats you up and steals your wallet--and worth every cent!!
(I sincerely hope this sort of thing doesn't happen to you any more often than you'd like.)

You just can't compare the other guys to #3, I mean God...oops, I mean Marky Mark. When ever I see this dude my heart pounds. He is the ultimate vision of perfection. Now if I can only stop dreaming of worshipping his incredible bod.
(I'd say "think of all the nice guys he's punched in the face," but if you're like the correspondent who made that last comment, it wouldn't help you much.)

Three of the meanest lookin' guys I've seen! #1 Damn! What a pair of shoulders! #2 Kinda looks like Chris Benoit (professional wrestler)... is it? #3 Oh yeah! 5 blue balls--"download and quit for the night!"
(Yes, I believe it is.)

I just love the sight of a nice looking musculine male, very interested in laying on a guys chest/back.
(Musculine? that would be "like a small mouse", wouldn't it?)

Number One's shoulders are the bomb! I hope he has cut the sleeves off all of his shirts.
(What a delightful thought!)

How is it possible to choose from among three perfect musclemen.Each in his own way has captured a perfect biceps pose. It would be VERY HARD for mw to decide among them. Nomber 2 has such a mischievous attitute, as he points towards that magnificent bulge, knowing how tempting it is, that I guess I would vote for him. But I would trade my biceps for those of any of the three. anytime. Then I could just look at them, measure them and feel them all day.
(Might get hungry)

luv the attitude in fig.#2...he's got some hot guns and he "knows it" !

fig.#1 is simply totally hot, ripped and hard, no apologize!
(would that be a noun or a verb?)

1 and 2 are shaped like barrels!!
(So let's see your picture....)

PLEASE! #1 has got to be your brother-in-law or something, right? #2 That poor little nasty wrestler with no shoulders? And #3...must be Marky without his prosthetic device...
(I've never met #1. What's this device you refer to?)

Although number two is massive, number one is the young gorgeous stud to win. I love a young smooth guy with muscles. I wish I knew his name. He's around my age.
(So are about a hundred million other people.)

#1 has a great body and looks to match. He also knows how to show what he has. #2 I think we all know who he is! He's nice looking but I think #1 could pin him in a wrestling match! #3 Is built well and looks like he loves to tease you as he shows off for you!
(Maybe -- if you're a young lady)

Here is the last submission we received, alas to remain unrated.

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