And go skiing, and do this years tax return, and catch up with people you haven't seen, and file away the 3 cubic metres of MBA paperwork...but mostly sleep.
It's also kind of nice to be able to actually spend some time with one another instead of sitting 6 feet apart night after night with a door between us - one of us studying and one of us snoozing on the couch pretending to watch TV. (no need to guess too hard who played which role)
The MBS Ball went very well, with the food and music a great improvement over last year.
Also showing a remarkable return to form was our friend Jacqui (she's the one in the frock)...and it appears the weeks of meditating to tapes repeating "I must pace myself this year" paid-off. All the girls scrubbed up very well for the night, with Manjula appearing in a sensational frock whipped up by her Mum all the way from the fashion Capital of Bendigo and all done without a single fitting. Remarkable!
Of course the fun of finishing is tinged with sadness as we leave our cosy MBS and depart for the 4 corners of the globe.
We sadly said goodbye to Ute at a pub night on Wednesday, with Ute flying off to Singapore and her job with Booz and leaving the rest of us still most impressed by her transformation from MBA student into a Nicole Kidman double for the ball. If only she had done a stunt-acting course instead of the MBA we're sure there would be a job waiting for her in Hollywood!
And speaking of far-flung parts of the globe, we got an email from Anneloes and Wouter today (at bloody last) so all of you who want the new email address can send me a note and I shall forward it to you.
Shannon and Rebecca are both fine and delighted with their new house. Bedrooms each and open-plan space to run maniacally around screaming. Only problem is the fact they are now a 45 minute drive away instead of 15 minutes. *Two saddened Uncles shudder at the thought of peak-hour traffic again*.
Rebecca turned 5 since the last update and we had a birthday dinner at Grant's parent's house. This was followed by a birthday lunch at an (unnamed) hamburger chain that only Jenny and Dale could get too. After all the fat, sugar and salt they could eat the 22 invited children went berserk. And so did their mothers. He he he.
Sometimes being able to hand them back is a damned good idea!