Well, you came to this page of your own free will so don`t blame me when you get bored!

I suppose I should start by saying that I`m in the thirty-something age bracket and happily married to a wonderful woman, who not only knows about "Sharon", but who totally accepts and positively loves everything that goes with being married to a transvestite / crossdresser (roughly translated, that means that every time I get a new dress or some new, sexy lingerie, my wife does as well - it costs a fortune!!)

We often go out as two girls, doing all sorts of things together from shopping to visiting the cinema; dining out in restaurants to enjoying drinks with friends in the pub (bar); even dancing the night away at a night club every so often, and we LOVE it!!

We`ve had some absolutely wonderful experiences and one or two hair-raising ones too; like the time when we had been out for the evening and, driving home, our car was hit by someone who hadn`t stopped at a red light. It wasn`t a big impact but, having been out dancing all evening, the jolt was just enough to "finish off my hairstyle" and dislodge my wig.

I wish I`d had a camera with me to capture the look on the other guy`s faces when they realised that the person in front of them in the black velvet evening dress was a man.

One of my greatest (probably THE greatest) experience we`ve had was one particular day during the summer of 1994. Linda (my wife) and I had both booked Wednesday off work, intending to go on a full day`s "shopping expedition" as two girls. On the previous night, I had preened and pampered myself - you know the sort of thing, waxing my legs, relaxing in a perfumed bath, etc., etc., - and was eagerly looking forward to what Wednesday would bring. I could hardly sleep with the excitement and anticipation of it all.

 When the alarm clock woke us up, I had a shower and started the extremely enjoyable transformation from Dave to Sharon.

I chose a white satin and lace bra, with matching suspender belt (garter belt to our American friends) and knickers (panties), with a pair of light tan coloured stockings completing the look. Next was the make-up and after applying foundation and powder, I chose soft shades of lilacs and blues for my eye shadow (I often use three or four different colours of eye shadow at once, blending them together to create different looks and moods, light and airy for daytime wear, bold and dramatic for evening and night), and a redish / purple (hard to describe, but looks divine) shade called Dusky Cherry (Avon) for my lipstick and nail varnish.

I wore a long, blue denim, sleeveless dress, a pair of black strappy sandals with 3-inch heels and finished off the outfit with suitable jewellery.

"Sharon" had once again arrived in town, and it felt so gooood!!!

By about 10-15 we were ready to hit the shops, so we drove into the town centre, parked the car and started out on what was to be the most memorable day of my life.

We intended to have a couple of hours shopping, then go for a pub lunch, back to the shops for another hour or two, maybe take in a film at the cinema, and finish the day with a meal in a restaurant in the evening; quite a full day by anyone`s standards, and we did actually do everything we set out to do, but it was something we hadn`t planned that made the day so memorable.

We had been shopping for about an hour and I`d tried on a couple of dresses and a skirt but not actually bought anything yet, when I saw a gorgeous evening dress that I simply had to have. It was in purple crushed velvet, with a halter neck design and a long, side-split that went right up to thigh level. It was stunning and we were going to a big social event organised by the Northern Concord (a TV / CD social and self-help group in the UK - see my links page) so I could even justify buying it (great huh girls?).

Linda came with me to the changing rooms where we would normally use seperate cubicles but, because she wasn`t trying anything on this time, she came into my cubicle with me.

At this point, I`ve got to say that anyone who already is a TV / CD will already know this but, to those of you who aren`t, and are just reading this because you`re curious, it is one *INCREDIBLE* sexual turn-on. When I`m dressed as a woman, I almost walk with a limp because I`m permanently horny. Guys, you really should try it; IT`S FANTASTIC!!!

Now then, where was I? Oh, yes...

Linda helped me change into this beautiful velvet dress and, when she had zipped me up at the back and I turned to look in the mirror, I almost fainted; it looked so wonderful. And, as all you girls out there know, when you look good, honey - you feeeeel good!!!

Linda said, "wow!! What a knockout. You`ll certainly be the belle of the ball in this dress."

At the risk of stating the obvious, Linda knows exactly how I react to being dressed like this and, as I was staring into the full-length mirror with Linda looking over my shoulder, she put her arms around me, cupped my "breasts" with her hands, and then ran her hands down my dress until she found the "hard bulge" that she was looking for. She then turned me round and slipped her hand inside the side slit of the dress.

Because of the possibility of offending some people, I will leave you to imagine what happened next, but just let me say that it`s all true, it really happened, and we will remember that day until we die.

When I have the time, I`ll tell you of more fun times that I as an individual, and we as a couple, have had because of the fact that I love to dress as a woman.


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