Deo Gloria Family Church

About Us:

About our Name.
We originally decided on mere 'Deo Gloria', but when we registered the church with the Department of Home Affairs, they requested us to make the title more specific. We had taken so long to decide in the first place and now we had to do it again. After much prayer and deliberation, we decided on the 'Deo Gloria Family Church'. First and foremost, it declares the glory that is due our Almighty God and which we endeavour to give. Secondly, it denotes us as the Family of Christ, acceptable to God and in relation to each other. In this way also, we were able to express our openness to all peoples (hetero-families), and at the same time in a subtle way point to our ministry to the Gay Family. We wanted a name that the Family would easily identify, but which would not 'Out' them automatically to anybody else.

About our Logo.

The Triangle represents the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Ghost in perfect balance and harmony. At the same time it shows God in relation to us as church and our neighbours. The pink colour of the triangle is a sign of Gay pride (in the concentration camps gays had to wear pink triangles identifying them for torture).
The Empty Cross tells of Christ's death on the cross and the ressurection as central themes in our faith. The hard lines of the cross speaks of the terrible death suffered for our sakes.
The White Dove symbolises the Holy Spirit which is a central figure in the Charismatic tradition. Matt 3 v 16 "...and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him", our prayer and belief is that the self-same Spirit descends onto the Deo Gloria Family Church to equip us for service before God and to each other.
The Leaf, the meaning of which is taken from Gen 8 v 11 where an olive branch signified the Good News. To us it is the symbol of the Gospel of Christ which needs to be taken to all peoples.

Why Join UFMCC?
From our inception, we were aware of the denomination of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. We had spoken a number of times about affiliating, but in the frenzied life of a young church, we did not get around to it. In February 1996, a team from Global Outreach made their way here and the opportunity arrived on our doorstep. But why join a denomination when we were going along just fine?
a) To draw from their wealth of experience in the ministry.
b) To prevent isolation and be part of a bigger Body of Christ.
c) To guard against complete introspection, and to broaden our experiencial and informative outlook.
d) To be part of a world-wide network earnestly involved in spreading the Good News and spiritual freedom to the gay community - freeing them from the bondage of spiritual oppression.
e) To offer the Church clear guidelines and operational procedures for the ministers, church councils and members who are to follow in generations to come.
f) To learn, to grow, to understand, to be the most we can be in the service of God.

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