Alumni Caucus for Gay, Lesbian
and Bisexual Concerns at Allegheny CollegeMeadville, PA 16335
Alumni Caucus Plans For the Future
1. We decided to prepare a letter that would be given to seniors from the Committee to invite them to join the Caucus after their graduation. (Erny Schwarz '56 wrote a letter, approved by all present, which was in place this past May.)
2. Discussion took place on how Caucus members could designate any donations for the Committee instead of or in addition to moneys for the General Fund. (See below)
3. A Steering Committee was formed for the Caucus. Several cities now have contact people who are on the Steering Committee. Committee members will remain on indefinitely until the caucus grows more. (See contact page)
4. A survey should be prepared to gather the opinions and thoughts of the Caucus membership regarding the direction and future the Caucus should be going in. (To be put on the website in the near future.)
5. The newsletter would be a semi-annual publication.
6. An e-mail list would be started to keep those with internet access informed of on campus developments as well as special events of interest to the Caucus and to serve in bring alumni together in the net.
7. The Committee would try to establish an annual event on campus to bring the Caucus together.
The Steering Committee will continue to meet (in cyberspace) to help plan and expand our efforts. Though we are small at the moment, our potential is enormous.
Bruce Shewitz contacted administrator Michael Hyde about the possibility of making contributions to Allegheny College, specifically around gay concerns. Here is the substance of his reply:
... We will accept any such donations that you and your network choose to make and will deposit them in a special fund for the use of the on-campus committee. Two caveats: first, we hope that members of the network will continue to support the Annual Fund at least as generously as they do now--rather than diversiting their current gifts to this purpose, we hope they will give more. Second, we will have to come to some kind of agreement about the kinds of uses to which these gifts may be put.
Mike Hyde left Allegheny in September 1997 to become vice-president at Alfred University in New York State. Bruce will keep you informed of the continuing discussion with Mike's successor.
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©, 1997. Last updated: November 8, 1997
Homepage Established: September 13, 1997