Alumni Caucus for Gay, Lesbian
and Bisexual Concerns at Allegheny CollegeMeadville, PA 16335
Website Created
With the dawning of a new century, the Alumni Caucus now has their own homepage. Due to computer staffing problems at Allegheny, we are hosting the site at until time and resources can be found to host our pages on the Allegheny site.
We are looking for your input about the website. We hope to include among other things a brief history of the caucus, the new membership survey, our semi-annual newsletter, Committee and campus events, listings of other GLBT alumni caucus resources and our city contact people.
If you have other ideas, are willing to share knowledge about website programming, or have something to contribute to the site, please contact J. Scott at Our website address is: WestHollywood/7787.
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©, 1997. Last updated: November 8, 1997
Homepage Established: September 13, 1997